Selecting an Object

Designer offers you many ways to edit, transform, and reshape objects. You can select, copy, paste, resize, group, connect, and align objects, as well as link and embed Windows OLE objects.

When you want to apply any action to an object, you first must select it. Eight small blue boxes called handles appear around an object when it is selected (if the object is a line, only two handles appear; one at each end). If several objects are selected at once, outer handles appear surrounding all the selected objects.

Designer gives you five ways to select objects:

Watch the handles! They can help you determine if you've selected the correct object when there are many objects in one area. You also can use the status bar at the bottom of the drawing window to help determine if you've selected the correct object. The status bar shows the shape selected, such as Rectangle, Line, Ellipse, Polygon, and so on.

Related Topics   

Clicking to Select Objects

Selecting Overlapping Objects

Deselecting Objects

Implied Selection

Block Selecting Objects

Selecting All Objects

Selecting Objects by Attribute or Property

Other Clicking Actions